Thursday, November 12, 2009

Snuggies and Hair cuts.

My best friend, Stephanie Rose, is the best best friend ever. As a best friend gift, she got me the gift that keeps in giving. I love being warm. I love anything zebra print. I love anything with long sleeves. The zebra Snuggie that my best friend Steph gave me is the best thing that had ever happened to me up til that point. And it is in the top three of great things in my life. The next thing that happened to me that is so great, was my choice to skip statistics class and get my hair cut. And then the conversation that followed with my mother. She hates my hair and I just got to sit there feeling like a rebellious teenager for liking the hair that she hates so so much. Pictures to come soon!


Stacee Maree said...

SO you probably look more like a boy and she loves you being a girl.
ps if you hadn't posted I was going to have a complete come undone, so thanks

Anonymous said...

where's the pictures?!?!?!?!

Stacee Maree said...

Here is my come undone what is taking you so long to post again???? I quit enjoy reading your blog and I check most days to see what you are up too and what crazy thoughts you are having that day and there has been nothing for a month. I am going to stop checking if you don't get your act together.