Friday, August 27, 2010

Amusement Park

A few things that have been amusing to me in this the first week of class.

My folklore teacher is odd. He is a liberal with crazy greasy Shakespeare hair. I have has this teacher before and he is an odd bird. Anyway the first class period, I went into a nice daydream state. I came back to consciousness just in time to hear this from my crazy teacher: "I would never want to go to the movies with bears, every experience I have had with bears, they have tried to eat me." All I could to stop myself from laughing and asking "Really?! How many run ins have you had with bears?!"

Another amusing conversation with boyfriend was had, it went like this:

Me: "Boyfriend, do I stink? Cause last class, I sat next to this boy and he was leaning away from me like I smelled bad."

BF: "Not really that bad."

Me: "Then why was he leaning away from me?"

BF: "He's just not that into you."

Me: "What?"

BF: "He's not attracted to you. Not everyone is attracted to you."

Me: "What? I highly doubt that."

BF: "Yeah I used to think everyone was attracted to me too, but it's not true."

Me: "Weird"

And then my old man biology teacher said this "I hate those texting machines."
Hahaha I thought it was so so funny.

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