Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blow Out the Candles

I wish I could say I am in a better mood than I was earlier but compared to my mood now, I was in a fantastic mood a few hours ago. I just spent close to 2 hours watching a video from my computer literacy class on how to turn in assignments for the class. I am really trying to have a good attitude about it like hey its an easy A. All I have to do is put in the time, but honestly, its a waste of time. And the instructor on the video treats me like I am a child. Yeah I know it's prerecorded and that annoys me even more. My intelligence it insulted and it has put me in a sour mood, so I am going to blow off some steam with Pandora, blogging, and banana chips. I love Pandora, they are so magic by knowing all of my favorite musics before I even know it and I prefer dried fruit to real fruit. I am not sure why that is but dried banana is so much better tasting than regular banana. Also I can whine and complain to you guys all I want because what are you going to do? Tell me to shut up? That doesn't mean anything because by the time you do I'm finished complaining and I have probably moved on to something else to be annoyed by. Oh and on a side whine I cut my thumb on the inside bend and it is swollen and ouchy. Ok I am done, well for now anyway. I think I need to dance, Zumba it is!

1 comment:

Stacee Maree said...

SHUT UP! That's for the next post that you whine in.