Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away

The rain has forced me inside today (where I usually am during the winter but I usually have to option of grabbing a jacket and going outside if I want). It has been raining since the beginning of time, or at least since Monday, and I just don't appreciate a week of cold, windy, wet weather. I am such a negative nancy when it comes to being cold and it is still January. I know I said this last year but honestly why does January last all year?! I thought it had been three weeks since I last updated my blog but no, it was only a few days ago. Let's talk about the adverse effects rain has on me. Rain for whatever reason makes me feel drowsy and groggy all the time. Not seeing the sun for 4 days does not go over well with me. I love sunshine, it makes me pretty and happy. I keep leaving treats outside on the sidewalk hoping to lure the sun out. It hasn't worked. The rain also makes me want to watch sappy love movies by a fireplace with ho cho and a good looking man to cuddle with and I currently have no good looking men to cuddle with. However, the moisture in the air does wonders for my hair and skin, and who doesn't love the smell of rain, I mean really. But those are the only good things I will say about the rain. I'm gonna leave a Jimmy Dean egg mcmuffin sandwich things out for the sun. The sun on the TV really likes those so maybe this will work.

1 comment:

Stacee Maree said...

I will trade the inversion for the rain anyday and why haven't you moved to hawaii yet I NEED TO GO THERE