Friday, May 14, 2010

A Troll?? Where? What?

Tonight I went to see a comedian, a comedian called Brian Regan. He was funny, very funny. My body hurts from laughing so much kind of funny. But something even more funny than that is this story I am about to tell you. Now it is a story that comes from a friend of a friend. This friend of a friend of a friend of a friend has an autistic son. This son, from what I understand, is about 16 years old. The son calls his mother at work "Mom I caught a troll. It's in my closet." Mom says "Oh ok that's great. I'm really busy, I'll call you later" Mom hangs up and thinks nothing of it. Son calls mom back a few minutes later "Mom I caught a troll. It's in my closet. I'm feeding it skittles" Mom hangs up again and starts to wonder. Son calls again and Mom decides to go home. She walks into Son's room and there is a chair propped against the closet door, with a bag of skittles on the floor. And some thing is banging on the inside of the door. The mom moves the chair and opens the door to find A MIDGET!!! The son had locked a Jehovah Witness midget missionary in the closet. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I need to meet this boy.

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