Monday, April 26, 2010

Alexander the Awesomely Funny 6 yr old

Just a few Alex stories for you all to enjoy. He seriously is the funniest 6 year old I have ever met.
Last week, I think it was Thursday or something, he came out of the bathroom. He looked at me and said with an exaggerated sigh of tired relief "Well I feel like I just pooped out seashells"
Hahahahaha I bust up just reliving this in my mind. What am I even supposed to say to that? And then he just walked away. Hahahaha
This weekend, we moved into the new house and the fridge was empty. He looked inside the fridge, closed it, and said "Ugh it's like a food ghost town in here!"
I laughed, a lot, and said there is food in the pantry.
He replied by looking in the pantry and with a sigh of relief said "Oh good, I was worried about us having dinner or not" and walked away.
It was like 10 in the morning and he was worried about dinner.

Seriously the strangest child I know but note that none of these are penis stories, I think he may be growing out of his penis obsession. Knock on wood. Hahahaha pun intended!

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