Monday, April 5, 2010

Tickle Me I don't know Who I am

This morning I finally turned in my 12 page long research paper. In retrospect, it doesn't seem like such a monumental task but my teacher has a gift for taking one thing and dragging it out for weeks and weeks. We have been working on this paper in class since three weeks after the semester began. Now that it is turned in, I sort of feel like this: Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? What was my life before this paper? You know the feeling. I had a list of things I wanted to do when I got finished with this paper. What was it? There were books I wanted to read, movies to see, people to make fun of, I can't remember. What are my goals in life? I am in slight panic mode. If I get this bad of amnesia after a 12 page paper how am I supposed to be able to write books? I may need to reconsider my career path. On a different note, there are a few things that have tickled me pink lately. They include things that I can't remember now cause my brain has died.
Oh man I seriously can't remember. I had a list going in my head and it's all gone now. Crapsicle. Anyway I feel like celebrating I think I'll go for a jog with my kite.

Oh that's one thing Night Kite Flying. Mr Dillinger introduced me to it and it was fun even though there was no wind to actually fly the kite. It's a great concept.

This line keeps running through my head. It's from Princess and the Frog. "Travis when a woman says later she really means not ever" and this "I'm sure there are plenty of young phillies round here waitin for you to waltz them into a stupor" and finally "give my those napkins I swear I'm sweatin like a sinner in church!" I love that movie.

Also clash of the titans was awesome.

And I will try to think of the rest.


Stacee Maree said...

You and Dave alike. He actually lost his assignment to the cyber world today and had to turn in the rough draft, and just collapsed into bed mumbling something about hitting save a million times so what happened? Then his eyes were closed and he was snoring. Dead brain syndrome I think.

JlynTheo said...

I'm a little late on this - but I swear that Al and I thought of night kite flying before we saw this! AND we made ours glow in the dark with broken glow sticks. It was pretty much awesome.