Monday, August 10, 2009

Uh Yes it Matters

Recently I was on the phone with a friend I'll call Brad. I find him to be very clingy and more than slightly annoying, so I was far past ready to get off the phone with him when I said "Look I have to go I need to read this article about the Health Care trash." He hates that I read and that I care about our country and how much it has gone down the toilet, so he says to me " It's not going to change anything. It doesn't even matter." Those fateful words got him the tongue lashing of his life. It was one of those moments that they would play out on T. V. in slow motion. This is what I had to say to Bradley: it doesn't matter? It doesn't matter? Well maybe it would matter to you and the rest of America if you actually knew what was at risk and what you would be paying for. I'll inform you infact. You will not be able to choose your own health care plan and in fact if you don't pay into Obama's plan, YOU will be fined several hundred dollars a year. If you already have a private health plan, you will not be allowed to keep it. Lets say you are diagnosed with advanced stage cancer and your survival rate it low, the government, not your doctors, will decide if you are worth giving treatment to or not. Or maybe when you are 80 and you need a new heart or hip, well that's too damn bad because you're too old to deserve care. No matter how healthy you are otherwise, or how much you really want to live, you are not worth the cost of surgery so we'll just give you a pain pill til you die. And you, being educated only by the main stream media, believe that I am exaggerating and being overly dramatic. Well Brad how about you do some reading of your own read the main stream articles and maybe some not so main stream stuff, you will see everywhere that what I say is true. Then maybe you can take some action and call some senators and do something. In which he replies "well that wouldn't matter either, they do what they want anyway." Oh really Brad? Those words again? Brad I don't know if you have read the constitution or if you know how this country works, but Congress works for us. The problem we have is that too many of us Americans have forgotten that so we just sit back and let them make the choices they want, to get what they want. But Brad that's not how it should work and not how it would work if people would wake up and educate themselves. Congress works for us. If we are not happy with what they are doing, we let them know hey we are you constituents and you work for us, if you want to be reelected you need to fix it or stop trying to fix it. That is how it works and I am so sick of you and people our age not knowing or caring about the issues. If you want that kind of health care then take yourself and all of your uneducated- I-want- something- for- nothing- friends and move to Canada. You don't even deserve to be Americans. And I have more to say on this but I have to go now. I love informing people when they are wrong.


Anonymous said...

Go Shauntae! I totally agree w/ you! Have you signed the online thing (I can't remember the word) that says "no" to Obama's healthcare plan? If not, you totally should...I have the link in my email. Way to educate him about something he should start caring more about :)

Steven and Tanesha said...

Amen Shauntae! It makes me happy to see other people our age getting informed on what is really going on with our country!!!

Anonymous said... am SO TURNED ON right now!!