Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dear World

My friend Steph once had a blog where she wrote letters to the world. I now have a few letters I would like to write.

Dear Summer,

Please do not leave. I am in a summer ending funk and I don't like it one bit, so you can't go ok.

Yours warmly,

The girl that just wants sunshine and fun.

Dear wildfires,

I get that you like to burn things, that's why you are called fire, but I wish you wouldn't.The smoke gives me a runny nose, headache, and burning eyes. Not to mention the smell of campfire makes me insanely hungry for potatoes for some reason. I also get an intense desire to wear flannel.

With flames of annoyance,

A smokey bear advocate

Dear TI-84 Plus calculator,

Why did you have to cost 95 dollars? I hate spending that much on nerdy things, but especially on nerdy things the size of my head.

Calculating the moment til I get to sell you on craiglist,

A dis liker of statistics

Dear 7 in the morning,

Why do I go to bed so late? Better yet why do you come so early? Maybe you could consider coming more around 9 in the morning. Yeah that would be better for me.

With love,

The bags under Shauntae's eyes

Dear some people on facebook,

It was a friendly debate, I was never riled up, I was never angry. I don't think I even said anything angry, if it came across angry, well that was your choice to take it that way. No one has said that they hate you, so stop playing like people do. Do I agree with you? No. Do I hate you? No. Am I bored with the conversation? Yes, entirely.


A woman who will show you her boobs and not even care, because who does?

Dear clothes I just got form target,

I love you.

Yours fashionably,

The best dressed girls in st george

Dear Holland,

Why won't you pretend with me at the high school reunion that we are together? I think it would be funny to trick some people. And it would be nostalgic for everyone. Just think about it.

Please oh please,

A girl that likes to play tricks

Dear Universe,

Here are some things I would like. An adorable leather messenger bag, for school. My best friend to move back to St. George. Alex to get over his attitude. The man I have been spending time with to be taller than me. A massage, a shopping trip to Vegas, an endless supply of Swedish fish, and a nap. Please note that I did not ask for the moon.

Wishful thinking,

Me, a human being that feels worn out


Steven and Tanesha said...

This was a funny post! Oh and I still think the whole facebook thing was hilarious :)

Stacee Maree said...

please don't show your boobs that just isn't moral. I want to know the argument and can I copy the universe letter I need those things too- minus the best friend moving to SG and Alex oh and Dave is taller me.
Love ya
PS. For a really long time I have had this earge to write the word verification word on my post to you (only you too I don't know why)so from now on at the end of my post you will see a word that makes no sense, but then you will know what stupid word I had to type so that I could leave a message. I don't know why I want to so bad, just deal with it.

Honey said...

Tae you should just move to Arizona. Its summer year round here!

Anonymous said...

Love it!! And, I thought the facebook debate was typical of one of the people to say "don't hate me!" hahaha...
post about how the reunion was, I have a wedding so I will be MIA.