Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Choose Honey

You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. This is true. Last time we learned that when I get mad and argue with the teachers of CIS 1200 I get dirty looks and still have to fix the assignment. Today I decided to take a different approach. I went up to the counter and said "Excuse me do you have a minute?" And of course they did. "I just wanted to ask you about these assignments. As you can see I did this here and just forgot to do it there. Also here. And these pages were just out of order. So I obviously know how to do it. I was wondering if I could just move on and not reprint these?" "Oh yes of course. we just want to make sure you know how to do these things." And I did not have to redo any of the assignments. To clear up questions for my cousin Stacee, yes it is required here at DSC to take this class to earn your associates or I would drop it and never look back.

1 comment:

Stacee Maree said...

well that's stupid. I am glad you didn't have to redo them. But way to be on the approach that worked.