Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Save Me from Myself

Some one save me from this self induced hell. What in the world made me think I could do a raw diet? I don't even like many vegetables and the ones that I do like, I enjoy best cooked not raw. I have been at this for exactly 30 hours. That's right, not even a full 2 days and I have already had several melt downs including full blown tears for at least 10 minutes, and I have thrown up 3 times, and the BF has been yelled at for probably a total of 2 hours. I feel bad for him. I am sticking with it for now, cause I hear it is supposed to get better. And the theory is that the stomach ache and headache and mood swings are basically me going through withdrawals like I am a drug addict. This better get better or one of us (probably the BF) won't make it out of this 30 days alive. I'm going to go cry now.


Stacee Maree said...

oh you poor thing. What made you decide to do this? Maybe I should try it?????

Dear Kids... said...

You can do it! Yes - the first time I did this the same things happened to me while cleaning out my system. It was crazy. My cleansing is also happening for sure! - no throw up though. Which I am so glad for. There are a lot of things I can send you. How can I help? I promise after 30 days you are going to be a happy and healthy woman. All the yucky stuff will start to go away soon after your body has cleaned out the junk :-)