Me and my BF(boyfriend) have been taking a fencing class every tuesday night for the last couple of weeks. It is so much fun, our instructor is french and I can hardly understand anything he says. I try so hard to get him to say my name being that my name is french I'd like to hear a french man say it. I am not asking for the moon but I have yet to get him to say it. It is my biggest goal for the class, well that and ensuring that our 82 year old, french, fencing instructor doesn't just die in the middle of class. Not being able to understand what is being taught has made it difficult for me to get good at fencing and us girls in the class have to wear stupid chest protectors that are very distracting. When fencing, my BF he thinks it is just so funny to stab at the plastic chest protector and he doesn't take it very seriously at all. How am I supposed to get good at fencing when my partner just wants to stab at my plastic boobies and my face mask? At least once a week we both get a really good laugh.
What is with you and belly dancing and fencing and water coloring and marathons. You're like a dweeb or something aren't you? And don't you dare blog stock me, if you're going to check my blog you better leave a comment, and while you are at it add me to your list and become one of my ellite that get to follow my blog
Oh PS I laughed at the plastic boobies. How do they expect BF to fence when you have to wear such a stupid thing?
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