Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day 2: Too Much Info

I would just like to warn everyone that this post is going to fall into the TMI category. As I may have mentioned I have not been feeling well lately. I have some sort of horrible flu and have had it for the last couple of days. This morning I woke up and it took a turn for the worst. My skin has never been so white and I felt like in my stomache someone was running a marathon and I was getting their leg cramps. If that even makes sense, I mean I have been having the worst stomache cramps all day long. At bosses house the fans in their bathrooms have timers on it, you can choose for it to be on 5, 10, 15 minutes and so forth. I was sitting in the bathroom thinking gee which one will do it 5? 10? 15? Really do you think 15 minutes Shauntae is it really that bad? If you catch my drift. You are all probably thinking why are you writing this and well I just don't know why except I think its funny. Miserable day until after my third nap then I finally began to feel a little better. Who knows what the 4 year old trouble maker Alex was doing while I slept. Tonight I took the nuggets to see Santa and this is the first year Alex has been very serious about seeing the big guy. Alex waited in line for 45 minutes or longer and he was very well behaved the entire time. I thought he must be gettin sick or he is real serious about this Santa business. Turns out he was real serious, he talked to Santa for a good 5 minutes and would have kept going if he was allowed but there was still a line behind us. All in all today was an ok day, seeing Santa made my whole day. Now if only my stomache would feel better. And remember I did warn.

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