Friday, January 30, 2009


HOORAY! Its finally Friday and finally the end of January! The awful month that lasted 2 years. Everything I do this weekend will be in celebration of this joyous months end. I have just been in the best everything is fun, suck on that mood lately. I have been finding little ways to get revenge. I use ex-BF's smiths value card when I grocery shop to get discounts, well the other day I used it to get a discount on my gas. Hahaha I don't feel bad about it though because I helped him earn the points and I just feel so avenged inside for doing it, not to mention I bust out laughing every time I think about it. Also this song fills me with attitude, and makes me think of how he has to walk past me in the halls at church and I choose to ignore his existence. I know its wrong to seek revenge, but when I think of all the times he was purposefully mean to me, and all the mean things he said and did I just don't care. I find great joy lately in the chances I get my revenge. I love today.

1 comment:

Stacee Maree said...

you kill me. stop seeking revenge and the next time you walk by him in the hall scream at him, tell him he's a jerk and to get a life. it will make you feel better